Monday, September 20, 2010

It's been awhile....

It's been awhile since I've posted and to all of my 0 readers, I am truly sorry. Things are moving at a pace that is extremely absurd.

I've been at my job for 2.5 months now and I'm still loving it. I've jet-setted to NYC and LA and am preparing for my next round of travel in the coming weeks.

Mr. M has been a fantastic Mr. Mom and baby boy is growing every day. He is really talking now. Since he's started school, his new favorite words are NO!, boobs, and poop. I'm so proud of that boy! We are in love with his school except that little rite of passage that usually occurs right around two.....biting. Thank GOD my kid is not the biter but unfortunately, he is the bitee. And worse, the little tyke biting him is a GIRL! One of these days he's gonna hall off and punch her and then I'll have a completely different problem on my hands!

We have been such a busy little family. I can't remember what my life was like before, when I was so worried that I wouldn't find a job, and baby boy and I just spent our lazy days at the pool. Forget it. Fall is almost here and we are on the go constantly. With weddings, and showers, and parties and birthdays, we are NEVER home. I guess that's better than the opposite. I'll leave you with one of my favorite shots over the summer. I can't believe how big my baby boy is getting.