Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 1

Yesterday was my last day of work. It was exhausting. They threw me a going away party with cake and gave me a bracelet. I was completely overwhelmed. It's a great feeling to know that no one wanted you to leave.

So now, I am alone with my thoughts. I didn't sleep much last night. My mind was racing....Will I find a new job? How long is it going to take me? I have a few things in the hopper and a few interviews lined up next week. I'm super nervous.

Today, I'm going to enjoy the day, handle a few errands that I have majorly put off and oh yeah, clean up the puke in the basement. That's right, it's day one of being a stay at home mom and Baby Boy literally just barfed up of all his juice. This is awesome. But honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Take a deep breath.....

That's what I keep telling myself anyway. I just lost my job. Completely out of nowhere. We are talking "rug pulled out from underneath you" type stuff. They called it a staffing re-structure. And now, I just have to breathe deep, pick up the pieces and hang on.

So many of us are known only by our titles at work or that girl that works at "XYZ Corporation". Suddenly, I find myself titleless. I don't work anywhere. I'm suddenly just Sara: the girl who used to be someone in the corporate world. For now, I'll just be Sara, a loving wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend.

But don't cry for me.....I'm on the prowl for the perfect job. And in the meantime, I have this:

Baby Boy and I are planning on spending lots of time at the pool. But we are going to work on jumping in with our swim trunks on and not our clothes.