Monday, January 31, 2011

The Apocalypse

It's happening. The world is coming to an end. I always thought it would be more of a fiery end vs. ice but whatevs. At the M. house we are holed up in the basement eating Goldfish and watching Monsters Inc.

Last night, Mr. M. and I made a Target run and of course hit up the local grocery store. WOW! That's all I have to say about that. Milk, bread and eggs were at a premium. Since when did French Toast become the food of the Apocalypse? I guess I could think of something worse to eat.

Mr. M. who usually remains pretty calm during disasters is a bit rattled by the impending storm. It's hard not to with all the doomsday talk on the news. I for one am very lucky to have him around. He's already figured out how we are going to have electricity and heat in the event of a power outtage. He brought a generator home. My biggest concern was of course the loss of television and cable. Mr. M. ensures me that as long as the generator runs, it will be business as usual at our house. Thank God. I'm not sure what we would do if Baby Boy threw one of his now famous temper tantrums if he wasn't allowed to watch his beloved Sully and Boo.

In other news, Baby Boy is going to be a big brother! We are excited to announce the impending arrival of Peanut #2 on August 8. I think we are going to try and keep this one surprise. We'll see. I have about 5 more weeks until I can find out. It's probably gonna take some serious will power to turn down the offer to find out but I'm going to do my best to look away. We are super excited about having another child but I'm not sure it has sunk in quite yet. I'm starting to get thicker around the middle (awesome) and as soon as I really start showing, it will hit us like a ton of bricks. Right now, it just looks like I drank a few too many beers this weekend. Instead, we stayed inside and recuperated after a horrible experience with every single pathogen that is infecting the St. Louis Metro area. After a long bout with the stomach flu and a nasty head cold, all three of us are on the up and up. I'll be ready to start shopping for the new baby soon, after the roads are cleared of course.

Now I just sit and stare out the window, waiting for this snow to come. Won't the weather people feel stupid if it doesn't? Oh well. I guess the economy got a much needed bump during the after-holiday retail slump.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

We're BACK!!!!

I'm excited to announce that people really want me to keep my blog up! I had no idea that I was this popular. For real though, it is kind of fun to know that I have more than 1 reader.
It's been a busy couple of months for us! Baby boy turned 2 and his mommy celebrated the first anniversary of her 29th birthday. A special shout out to my hubby who made my birthday extra special. I'm such a lucky girl.

We also celebrated our 5 year anniversary. I can't believe how fast time flies. It feels like yesterday I was just graduating college and starting my real life. What an awesome 5 years it's been.

Since I last wrote, we headed down to Florida for the annual Skaggs Family Thanksgiving. It was the first year that Baby Boy really got the hang of the ocean and man did he LOVE IT. We chased birds, built sand castles, swam in the ocean, gorged on Fruit Snacks (they travel so easy!), and took extremely long naps. Every day was like a four hour snoozefest between 1 and 5. I definitely reccommend a beach vacation for anyone who wants to indulge in naps as well.
Who knew it snows in southern Florida?
Sometimes I can't believe what this kid puts on. The fedora was in my Grandpa's Closet. Baby Boy was ready for his next adventure.

Here's a pic of Baby Boy chasing the poor birds on the beach. Yes, we made him wear a life jacket for like 1 second.

Here is one of my favorite shots of Baby Boy building a sand castle. Unfortunately, the beach goers were not immune to seeing his now famous HBC. Enjoy.

When we got back to STL, it seemed like Christmas was in full swing. Baby Boy is really into the reindeer. This is how he likes to wear the reindeer horns I bought him from the dollar bin at Target.
Finally, as Christmas seems to be upon us, we wish all of our friends and family a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Love, Scott, Sara, Jack and Sadie Masterson.

Monday, September 20, 2010

It's been awhile....

It's been awhile since I've posted and to all of my 0 readers, I am truly sorry. Things are moving at a pace that is extremely absurd.

I've been at my job for 2.5 months now and I'm still loving it. I've jet-setted to NYC and LA and am preparing for my next round of travel in the coming weeks.

Mr. M has been a fantastic Mr. Mom and baby boy is growing every day. He is really talking now. Since he's started school, his new favorite words are NO!, boobs, and poop. I'm so proud of that boy! We are in love with his school except that little rite of passage that usually occurs right around two.....biting. Thank GOD my kid is not the biter but unfortunately, he is the bitee. And worse, the little tyke biting him is a GIRL! One of these days he's gonna hall off and punch her and then I'll have a completely different problem on my hands!

We have been such a busy little family. I can't remember what my life was like before, when I was so worried that I wouldn't find a job, and baby boy and I just spent our lazy days at the pool. Forget it. Fall is almost here and we are on the go constantly. With weddings, and showers, and parties and birthdays, we are NEVER home. I guess that's better than the opposite. I'll leave you with one of my favorite shots over the summer. I can't believe how big my baby boy is getting.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Well....It's been a while. Since I last wrote, Mr. M. and I travelled to Portland, OR for a fabulous wedding. It was a much needed respite and vacation away from steamy STL. The weather was perfect and the wedding gorgeous. Congrats to our friends Ryan and Jill on a beautiful day and a beautiful life together.

I also got a J-O-B!!!!! And not just any job. This is job is absolutely perfect for me. I am the newest Marketing Manager at Brown Shoe Company. I just completed my first day and it was AWESOME! It's exactly what I was looking for in a job. The people are really cool and the work compelling. I am really looking forward to everything that's in store.

As sad as I was to leave my previous position, this job is a much better fit for me. And hey, who doesn't like free shoes!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Operation Job

I've had a busy last couple of days. I received an offer on Monday. The money is good and I'm excited. I'm waiting to hear back from one more company before I make my decision. Believe it or not, I'm more anxious now than I was when I lost my job. I'm super confused which position I should take. One position (the company I haven't heard from yet) is PERFECT for me. It's the perfect blend of my past and what I want to do with my future. Position number 2 is stable, maybe not as sexy as I would like it to be but stability is a huge attractor, oh and I already have an offer on the table. What's a girl to do!?

On another note, I'm interviewing schools for baby boy. Today, we walk into school number 1 and he lets loose. I'm surprised they even gave me the paperwork to apply. I can only imagine what he would unleash during a full day there. I have two more schools to visit but they don't even have spots available for a few months. Could this be ANY harder on me?

One final shout out to the best hubby in the world! Today is his birthday!!!!!! Happy Birthday Babe!!!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Interviewing is the pits....

Literally. It never fails, no matter how fresh I think I am, I always walk out of an interview with pit stains. Why do they make you so uncomfortable? You can ring out my shirts after I've left an interview.
Last week, I had an interview right before we left for Katie and Gus' wedding in Gulf Shores. I think it went well. I have another interview this week for that position. I also had an interview today for another position. They think they'll know something this week. Keep your fingers crossed that one of these pans out. My dry cleaning bill is getting out of control.

Onto another topic, we just got back from the beautiful beaches of Gulf Shores Alabama. The oil washed up on Saturday so we had a few days oil free. We had a blast, except for my break dancing on the dance floor and Mr. M's little misunderstood joke. I'm surprised we made it out alive. It was so fun to hang with all my besties and just relax. It was definitely a great way to keep my mind off my unemployment.

Since we got back, Baby Boy and I have been going to the park and hanging out. Today we are attempting to clean our very neglected house. Yesterday, we had a little play date and the mother mentioned she felt honored that I would let her in to my house when it was so messy. I was perplexed. It always looks like this. I guess it's time to give my home a little attention. I'll let you know how it goes. I've never been much of a cleaner. Off to find a sponge and dust rag.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 1

Yesterday was my last day of work. It was exhausting. They threw me a going away party with cake and gave me a bracelet. I was completely overwhelmed. It's a great feeling to know that no one wanted you to leave.

So now, I am alone with my thoughts. I didn't sleep much last night. My mind was racing....Will I find a new job? How long is it going to take me? I have a few things in the hopper and a few interviews lined up next week. I'm super nervous.

Today, I'm going to enjoy the day, handle a few errands that I have majorly put off and oh yeah, clean up the puke in the basement. That's right, it's day one of being a stay at home mom and Baby Boy literally just barfed up of all his juice. This is awesome. But honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.