Monday, January 31, 2011

The Apocalypse

It's happening. The world is coming to an end. I always thought it would be more of a fiery end vs. ice but whatevs. At the M. house we are holed up in the basement eating Goldfish and watching Monsters Inc.

Last night, Mr. M. and I made a Target run and of course hit up the local grocery store. WOW! That's all I have to say about that. Milk, bread and eggs were at a premium. Since when did French Toast become the food of the Apocalypse? I guess I could think of something worse to eat.

Mr. M. who usually remains pretty calm during disasters is a bit rattled by the impending storm. It's hard not to with all the doomsday talk on the news. I for one am very lucky to have him around. He's already figured out how we are going to have electricity and heat in the event of a power outtage. He brought a generator home. My biggest concern was of course the loss of television and cable. Mr. M. ensures me that as long as the generator runs, it will be business as usual at our house. Thank God. I'm not sure what we would do if Baby Boy threw one of his now famous temper tantrums if he wasn't allowed to watch his beloved Sully and Boo.

In other news, Baby Boy is going to be a big brother! We are excited to announce the impending arrival of Peanut #2 on August 8. I think we are going to try and keep this one surprise. We'll see. I have about 5 more weeks until I can find out. It's probably gonna take some serious will power to turn down the offer to find out but I'm going to do my best to look away. We are super excited about having another child but I'm not sure it has sunk in quite yet. I'm starting to get thicker around the middle (awesome) and as soon as I really start showing, it will hit us like a ton of bricks. Right now, it just looks like I drank a few too many beers this weekend. Instead, we stayed inside and recuperated after a horrible experience with every single pathogen that is infecting the St. Louis Metro area. After a long bout with the stomach flu and a nasty head cold, all three of us are on the up and up. I'll be ready to start shopping for the new baby soon, after the roads are cleared of course.

Now I just sit and stare out the window, waiting for this snow to come. Won't the weather people feel stupid if it doesn't? Oh well. I guess the economy got a much needed bump during the after-holiday retail slump.

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